Annual Members’ Meeting 2023

January 19, 2023

The 2023 Annual Members’ Meeting took place virtually on January 17th, 2023. The meeting takes place every year. During the meeting, we discuss the challenges and accomplishments from the past year as one of the biggest environmental conservation nonprofit in the state of Florida.

This past year we tackled challenges including water quality, critical land preservation, native wildlife rehabilitation, climate change education, local STEM education, invasive species removal and research, sea turtle protection research and so much more. Hurricane Ian brought hardships and changed the outlook moving forward regarding environmental conservation. Please watch the video below for more information.

Presented By:

  • Board Chair, John R. Walter
  • Treasurer, Leslie Frecon
  • Chair Governance Board, Stefan Bothe
  • CEO and President, Rob Moher

Sponsored by:

  • LFE Capital