Monday, October 7 • 9AM - 5PM
The Conservancy of Southwest Florida cordially invites you to virtually attend our upcoming day-long symposium.
The event will be held via Zoom on Monday, October 7 from 9am to 5pm, with a backup hurricane date of Monday, December 2.
During the event, speakers will present case studies of successful nature-based and hybrid projects from around Florida, and will participate in presentations and discussions about how to more successfully employ these strategies.
Click to view the detailed agenda and the speaker profiles.
Speakers represent multiple organizations including Florida Sea Grant, Naples Botanical Garden, City of North Miami, Gainesville Regional Utilities, Wetland Solutions, Inc., Ecosphere Restoration Institute, Inc., Coastal & Heartland National Estuary Partnership, Cummins Cederberg Coastal & Marine Engineering, the University of Florida, Environmental Defense Fund, Palm Beach County, and the US Forest Service.
For questions, please contact Robyn Standke at
What are nature-based and hybrid solutions?
Nature-based solutions refer to strategies that use natural systems (such as mangrove forests, salt marshes, and beach dunes), or living or natural elements (such as plantings, coconut fiber logs, and other sustainable materials) to address challenges such as flooding, high heat days, and worsening water quality. Hybrid solutions combine these aforementioned elements with hardened engineered options like seawalls, levees, and culverts.
Incorporating these options into local adaptation planning can support our local nature-based economy, provide significant amounts of ecological services our communities depend on, and can contribute to a multiple lines of defense approach to managing risk.