The Environmental Policy and Advocacy Department works to ensure that our region’s leaders have the proper tools to make informed decisions about the future of Southwest Florida.

Policy and Advocacy
Keeping our region healthy, livable, and functioning well is a complex task. It’s about balancing conservation with economic health and making sure decisions and actions are supported by science-based information and policies.
The Conservancy of Southwest Florida Policy and Advocacy Department helps protect our wild lands, wildlife, and our waters. We steward smart growth in our area — advising on transportation planning and land-use decisions and helping to preserve habitat and waterways. The Conservancy works actively with decision-makers to ensure a bright future for generations to come.
NEW STUDY: Clean water is vital to the economy of Southwest Florida
To address growing concerns around the health and vitality of our waterways, Captains for Clean Water, Conservancy of Southwest Florida, and Sanibel Captiva Conservation Foundation enlisted Greene Economics to conduct a thorough analysis of the economic repercussions of degraded water quality.
This pivotal study aims to translate the ecological impact into tangible economic figures, offering a clearer perspective on the stakes involved.
The study also shines light on how good water quality has a positive economic impact and that projects and policies that improve water quality will pay off through a more robust economy.