von Arx Wildlife Hospital remains open, caring for animals injured in the storm

October 2, 2022

Our hearts are with all of our neighbors and the entire SWFL community as we navigate the devastating impacts of Hurricane Ian together. The entire West Coast of Florida saw significant impacts from high winds, rain and storm surge, flooding homes and businesses from one of the strongest storms ever to hit the peninsula.

The Conservancy of Southwest Florida experienced varying levels of saltwater intrusion from storm surge, but did not see any significant damage to campus facilities. We are on campus cleaning up and assessing the greatest needs, and will determine an opening date soon.

Electricity remains out as of Saturday. Staff and interns at the von Arx Wildlife Hospital and the Nature Center are working around the clock to keep our resident animals and rescued wildlife safe.

There are critical need items, with a drop-off location in front of the wildlife hospital on campus. The hospital’s hours are from 8 am to 8 pm at this time. If an animal is found, please bring it to us or call 239-262-2273 for help from our team of expert wildlife rehabilitators.

The following items are currently essential:

• Towels (needed the most)

• Reusable ice packs

• Romaine lettuce

• Apples

• Carrots

• Corn

• Oranges

• Bleach

• Water detergent

• Hand sanitizer

• Carbon filters

• D-batteries

• Heavy duty extension cords, 25ft or greater

• Heavy-duty surge protectors

As always, we have an Amazon Wishlist and Chewy Wishlist you can use to donate to the hospital.

In addition, our partners at the Collier Community Foundation have established the Collier Comes Together Hurricane Fund to benefit SWFL nonprofit relief efforts and programs to get funds where they are needed most. To provide assistance to our neighbors, find the link here.

Thank you for all of your continued support and concern. We are here for our community and hope that you are all safe as we rebuild our region together.

Most sincerely,

Conservancy Team